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Crystal Realms 澳大利亚复活节赠品!


Prizes have been claimed 02/10/2023

Big Winner Announcements:

1st Prize: Jordan Husker, SA

2nd Prize: Sanil Duran, WA

3rd Prize: Matthew Coldrey, SA



促销名称:Crystal Realms Australia 复活节赠品。




开始时间:2023 年 3 月 13 日 9:00 AM AEST
结束:  2023 年 4 月 30 日 11:59 PM AEST 

网址: 网站, 阿德莱德, 南澳大利亚, 5090

发起人:ABN:26 610 834 695



奖品详情:奖品是促销图片中的 1 个粉红色紫水晶球体。


总奖金价值:总奖金 $120 建议零售价

每笔购买交易 = 一个有效条目 




抽奖:随机数字抽奖将于 2023 年 5 月 1 日澳大利亚东部时间下午 2 点举行。

抽奖地点:Hope Valley, South Australia, 5090

获奖者通知:获奖者将在 2023 年 5 月 2 日之前收到电子邮件通知。

获奖者公示:所有奖项的获奖者将在这里公布 网站 2023 年 5 月 3 日美国东部标准时间晚上 8 点。现场抽奖也将被拍摄和发布。


无人认领的抽奖活动:随机无人认领的抽奖活动将于 2023 年 8 月 1 日澳大利亚东部时间下午 2 点举行。

抽奖地点:Hope Valley, South Australia, 5090


无人认领的获奖者通知:无人认领的获奖者将在 2023 年 8 月 2 日之前通过电子邮件收到通知。

无人认领奖获奖者公示:所有无人认领奖品的获奖者将在此处公布 网站 2023 年 8 月 3 日美国东部标准时间晚上 8 点。现场抽奖也将被拍摄和发布。

许可证编号:N/A 不需要:南澳大利亚州政府立法



  1. 有关如何输入和奖品详细信息的信息构成这些条款和条件(输入条款)的一部分。条款必须与附表一起阅读。附表定义了这些条目条款中使用的术语。如果这些条款与附表之间存在任何不一致,则以附表为准。 参与本次促销活动即视为接受这些参赛条款。

  2. 入境仅对满足入境方式的合格州/地区的合法居民开放。

  3. 促销将在促销期间进行。 

  4. 奖品在附表的奖品详细信息部分中指定。 

  5. 总奖金池在附表的总奖金价值部分指定。 

  6. 除非另有明确说明,否则任何奖品均以澳元计价。

  7. 涉及旅行的奖品必须与附表奖品详情部分指定的日期或任何第三方旅行提供商的条件中另有指定的日期一致。对已确认奖品详细信息的任何更改都将由获胜者承担费用,并且只有在主办方或第三方旅行提供商事先同意的情况下才允许更改。

  8. 参赛者被告知,他们的奖金可能会产生税收影响,他们应该在接受奖品之前寻求独立的财务建议。对于因接受奖品而可能产生的任何税务影响,主办方不承担任何责任。参赛者须自行承担参加比赛所产生的任何及所有费用,无论是否赢得比赛,均不予报销。

  9. 参赛者必须在促销期间按照参赛方法参加促销。否则将导致输入无效。如果参赛者的参赛作品被视为无效,发起人将不会通知参赛者。 

  10. 参赛时间将被视为发起人收到参赛作品的时间。

  11. 参赛者最多可以提交最大数量的参赛作品(如果适用)。

  12. 对于任何由于遗漏、错误、更改、篡改、删除、盗窃、破坏、任何通信中断而导致的任何延迟、丢失、延迟、不完整、错误提交、损坏、难以辨认或误导的条目、索赔或信件,发起人概不负责网络或媒体,或以其他方式包括发起人因任何原因未收到的条目。 发起人不对用户错误的任何后果负责,包括(但不限于)产生的费用。不会进行任何通信。

  13. 奖品将颁发给根据抽奖详情随机抽取的有效参赛者。发起人可以提取额外的储备条目(并按顺序记录)。如果出现无效参赛或不符合资格的参赛者,或参赛者不符合领奖条件,则奖品将颁发给最先抽取的保留参赛作品。如果不能将奖品颁发给抽中的参赛者,则发起人将继续此过程,直到颁发奖品为止。  

  14. 除非有相反的明确说明,否则获胜者无需出席抽奖。

  15. 获奖者将根据附表的获奖者通知和无人认领的获奖者通知(如适用)部分收到通知。获奖者的通知将被视为在获奖者收到发起人的实际通知或之后两个工作日后的较晚时间发生。该通知将包括有关如何领取奖品的详细信息。

  16. 如果无法联系未提供正确或完整联系方式的获奖者,发起人不承担任何责任。如果参赛者的联系方式在促销期间发生变化,则参赛者有责任通知主办方。修改任何参赛信息的请求应提交给发起人。

  17. 获奖者必须遵守奖品的所有使用条件和奖品供应商的要求,这是接受任何奖品的条件。每件奖品必须按照说明领取,如果获奖者无法按照说明使用奖品,将不予赔偿。

  18. 获奖者的姓名和居住的州/领地或国家/地区将根据附表获奖者部分的公告(如果适用)公布。 

  19. 如果未在无人认领的抽奖时间和日期领取奖品,则比赛无效。

  20. 在法律允许的最大范围内,发起人排除关于促销活动和任何奖品的所有保证、陈述或保证(保证),包括在宣传或促销促销活动的过程中可能做出的任何保证。促销活动或奖品的提供可能涉及第三方,发起人不作任何保证,也不对与任何此类第三方及其作为或不作为有关的任何责任承担任何责任。通过参加促销活动,参赛者免除主办方及其相关法人团体(包括各自的管理人员、员工和代理人)的所有行为、处罚、责任、索赔或要求,并免除参赛者可能针对主办方或对于因参赛者进入或参与促销活动或赢得或未能赢得奖品,或使用或允许任何其他人使用而直接或间接导致的任何损失或损害,发起人可能遭受或遭受奖品,但法律不能排除或会导致本条款任何部分无效或不可执行的任何责任除外。 

  21. 如果尽管有上述条款,发起人根据任何法律对参赛者承担责任,该法律暗示对这些参赛条款的保证不能合法排除,则发起人对促销活动的责任仅限于,由发起人自行决定,重新提供作为促销活动一部分的此类商品或服务,或支付重新提供这些商品或服务的费用。

  22. 在不限制上述任何规定的情况下,在任何情况下,参赛者或发起人均不对另一方遭受的任何间接或后果性损失或损害承担任何责任,包括但不限于任何利润损失、声誉损失、商誉,或商业机会的损失。 

  23. 发起人及其关联机构和公司将不对奖品在运输途中的任何损坏或延误承担责任。

  24. 主办方可根据监管机构的任何书面指示,随时自行决定不接受特定参赛作品、取消参赛作品资格或取消整个促销活动,无需给出理由,也不对任何参赛者承担任何责任。在不限制这一点的情况下,发起人保留验证参赛作品、奖品声明和参赛者有效性的权利,并取消任何提交具有误导性或不符合本参赛条款的参赛作品或奖品声明或操纵或篡改参赛作品的参赛者的资格。进入过程。如果获胜者违反这些参赛条款,获胜者将被没收全部奖品,并且不会提供任何替代品。验证由发起人自行决定,其决定为最终决定。发起人未能在任何阶段执行其任何权利并不构成对这些权利的放弃。

  25. 根据监管机构的任何书面指示,奖品或奖品的任何未使用部分不可转让或交换,也不能作为现金使用。如果由于任何原因无法获得奖品,发起人可以根据监管机构的任何书面指示用其他同等或更高价值的物品代替奖品。发起人对奖品价值的任何变化(包括宣传促销和收到奖品之间)不承担任何责任。

  26. 如果任何外部行为、代理人或事件的干预阻止或严重阻碍发起人(或参与促销活动的第三方)在这些条款中描述的日期和方式进行促销活动的能力入场,包括但不限于故意破坏、自然灾害、不可抗力、内乱、罢工、战争、恐怖主义行为,主办方在活动期间的促销义务将暂停,此外,主办方可自行决定取消促销活动并在相同条件下重新开始,但须经相关当局批准。 

  27. 所有参赛作品均成为发起人的财产。作为参加本次促销活动的条件,参赛者同意将其参赛作品和任何相关内容的所有权利转让给主办方,包括参赛作品和相关内容的任何版权或其他知识产权。在不限制这一点的情况下,发起人可以将参赛内容用于所有目的,包括商业目的。您保证参赛内容是原创的、合法的、没有误导性的,并且主办方对此类内容的使用不会侵犯任何第三方的权利。主办方没有义务承认您是所提交内容的作者,否则可能会采取任何行为或不作为,否则将构成对您作为内容作者可能拥有的任何精神权利的侵犯。

  28. 参赛者同意主办方向“相关组织”提供个人数据,包括那些为比赛提供奖品的组织。发起人和相关组织有时可能会无限期地使用私人信息进行促销、营销,包括但不限于发送电子邮件,除非另有通知。

  29. 参赛者同意发起人使用与本次促销活动相关的个人信息,以促进促销活动的进行、颁发任何奖品,包括奖励给参与促销活动的第三方和任何相关当局。除了发起人的隐私政策中可能概述的任何用途外,除非另有通知,否则发起人(包括第三方)可以无限期地将私人信息用于促销、营销、宣传、研究和分析目的,包括发送电子消息或打电话给参赛者。

  30. 与本次促销活动相关的个人信息的收集和披露将根据发起人的隐私声明进行处理,该声明遵守 1988 年隐私法 (cth) 和澳大利亚隐私原则。

  31. 促销活动和这些参赛条款将受促销员通常居住的州或地区的法律管辖。参赛者接受该州或地区的法院和法庭对与促销有关的争议的非专属管辖权。

  32. Facebook、Etsy、TikTok、YouTube、Instagram、Pinterest、Ebay、Gumtree、Google 或 Snapchat 可用于宣传或推广促销活动。通过参加促销活动,参赛者同意促销活动绝不由 Facebook、Etsy、TikTok、YouTube、Instagram、Pinterest、Ebay、Gumtree、Google 或 Snapchat 赞助、认可或管理,或与之相关;并免除 Facebook、Etsy、TikTok、YouTube、Instagram、Pinterest、Ebay、Gumtree、Google 或 Snapchat 与此促销活动相关的所有责任。有关促销的任何问题、评论或投诉都应直接发送至促销方 Facebook、Etsy、TikTok、YouTube、Instagram、Pinterest、Ebay、Gumtree、Google 或 Snapchat。

  33. 如果出于任何原因,本促销活动的任何方面无法按计划进行,包括由于计算机病毒、通信网络故障、错误、篡改、未经授权的干预、欺诈、技术故障或主办方无法控制的任何原因,主办方可根据州或领地法规自行决定取消、终止、修改或暂停促销活动并使任何受影响的参赛作品无效,或暂停或修改奖品。

Terms & Conditions of entry

  1. Information on how to enter and prize details form part of these terms & conditions (Terms of entry). The Terms must be read in conjunction with the Schedule. The Schedule defines the terminology used in these Terms of entry. Where there is any inconsistency between these Terms and the Schedule, the Schedule prevails.  Participation in this Promotion is deemed acceptance of these Terms of entry.

  2. Entry is open only to legal residents of the Eligible States/Territories who satisfy the Method of entry.

  3. The Promotion will be conducted during the Promotion period. 

  4. The Prize/s are specified in the Details of prizes section of the Schedule. 

  5. The total prize pool is specified in the Total prize value section of the Schedule. 

  6. Any prize is valued in Australian dollars unless expressly stated to the contrary.

  7. Prizes involving travel must be taken to coincide with the dates specified in the Details of prizes section of the Schedule or as otherwise specified in the conditions of any third-party travel provider. Any changes to the confirmed prize details will be at the expense of the winner(s) and will only be permitted with the prior consent of the Promoter or third-party travel provider.

  8. Entrants are advised that tax implications may arise from their prize winnings, and they should seek independent financial advice prior to acceptance of their prize(s). The Promoter accepts no responsibility for any tax implications that may arise from accepting a prize. Entrants are responsible for any and all expenses that they incur in entering the competition and they will not be reimbursed regardless of whether or not they win the competition.

  9. The entrants must follow the Method of entry during the Promotion period to enter the Promotion. Failure to do so will result in an invalid entry. The Promoter will not advise an Entrant if their entry is deemed invalid. 

  10. The time of entry will be deemed to be the time the entry is received by the Promoter.

  11. Entrants may submit up to the Maximum number of entries (if applicable).

  12. The Promoter accepts no responsibility for any late, lost, delayed, incomplete, incorrectly submitted, corrupted, illegible, or misdirected entries, claims or correspondence whether due to omission, error, alteration, tampering, deletion, theft, destruction, disruption to any communication network or medium, or otherwise including those entries not received by the Promoter for any reason.  The Promoter is not liable for any consequences of user error including (without limitation) costs incurred. No correspondence will be entered into.

  13. The prize(s) will be awarded to the valid entrant(s) drawn randomly in accordance with the Prize draw details. The Promoter may draw additional reserve entries (and record them in order). In the event of an invalid entry or an ineligible entrant, or if the entrant is ineligible to accept the prize, the prize will be awarded to the first reserve entry drawn. If the prize can’t be awarded to the entrant drawn, the promoter will then continue this process until the prize is awarded.  

  14. The winner does not need to be present at the draw unless expressly stated to the contrary.

  15. The winner(s) will be notified in accordance with the Notification of winners and Notification of unclaimed prize winners (if applicable) sections of the Schedule. Notification to winners will be deemed to have occurred on the later of the time the winner receives actual notification from the Promoter or two business days thereafter. The notification will include details about how the prize(s) can be claimed.

  16. The Promoter takes no responsibility where it is unable to contact prize winners who have not provided correct or complete contact details. If an entrant’s contact details change during the promotional period, it is the entrant's responsibility to notify the Promoter. A request to modify any entry information should be directed to Promoter.

  17. It is a condition of accepting any prize that the winner must comply with all the conditions of use of the prize and the prize supplier’s requirements. Each prize must be taken as stated and no compensation will be payable if a winner is unable to use the prize as stated.

  18. The winner(s) name and state/territory or country of residence will be published in accordance with the public announcement of winner’s section of the Schedule (if applicable). 

  19. If the prize(s) has not been claimed by the Unclaimed prize draw time and date, the competition is null and void.

  20. To the greatest extent permitted by law, the Promoter excludes all warranties, representations or guarantees (Warranties) regarding the Promotion and any prizes, including any Warranties which may have been made in the course of advertising or promoting the Promotion. The conduct of the Promotion or the supply of prizes may involve third parties, and the Promoter makes no Warranties and disclaims all liability in connection with any such third parties, their acts or omissions. By entering the Promotion, an entrant releases and indemnifies the Promoter and its related bodies corporate (including the officers, employees and agents of each) from and against all actions, penalties, liabilities, claims or demands the entrant may have against the Promoter or that the Promoter may incur for any loss or damage which is or may be suffered or sustained as a direct or indirect result of an entrant entering or participating in the Promotion or winning or failing to win a prize, or using or permitting any other person to use the prize, except for any liability which cannot be excluded by law or which would cause any part of this clause to be void or unenforceable. 

  21. If despite the foregoing clause, the Promoter incurs a liability to an entrant under any law which implies a Warranty into these Terms of entry which cannot legally be excluded, the Promoter’s liability in respect of the Promotion is limited, in the Promoter’s discretion, to either resupplying such goods or services as form part of the Promotion or paying the cost of resupplying those goods or services.

  22. Without limiting any of the foregoing, in no circumstances will an entrant or the Promoter have any liability to the other for any loss or damage suffered which is indirect or consequential in nature, including without limitation any loss of profit, loss of reputation, loss of goodwill, or loss of business opportunity. 

  23. The Promoter and its associated agencies and companies will not be liable for any damage in transit to or delay in transit of prizes.

  24. The Promoter may in its absolute discretion not accept a particular entry, may disqualify an entry, or cancel the entire Promotion at any time without giving reasons and without liability to any entrants, subject to any written directions from a regulatory authority. Without limiting this the Promoter reserves the right to verify the validity of entries, prize claims and entrants and to disqualify any entrant who submits an entry or prize claim that is misleading or not in accordance with these Terms of entry or who manipulates or tampers with the entry process. If a winner breaches these Terms of entry, the winner will forfeit the prize in whole and no substitute will be offered. Verification is at the discretion of the Promoter, whose decision is final. Failure by the Promoter to enforce any of its rights at any stage does not constitute a waiver of those rights.

  25. Prizes, or any unused portion of a prize, are not transferable or exchangeable and cannot be taken as cash, subject to any written directions from a regulatory authority. Where a prize is unavailable for any reason, the Promoter may substitute the prize for another item of equal or higher value subject to any written directions from a regulatory authority. The Promoter accepts no responsibility for any variation in prize value (including between advertising of the Promotion and receipt of the prize).

  26. In the case of the intervention of any outside act, agent or event which prevents or significantly hinders the Promoter’s ability (or that of a third party involved with the Promotion) to proceed with the Promotion on the dates and in the manner described in these Terms of entry, including but not limited to vandalism, natural disasters, acts of God, civil unrest, strike, war, act of terrorism, the Promoter’s obligations in respect of the Promotion will be suspended for the duration of the event and, in addition, the Promoter may in its absolute discretion cancel the promotion and recommence it from the start on the same conditions, subject to approval of the relevant authorities. 

  27. All entries become the property of the Promoter. As a condition of entering this Promotion, entrants agree to assign all their rights in and to their entry and any related content to the Promoter, including any copyright or other intellectual property rights in the entry and related content. Without limiting this, the Promoter may use entry content for all purposes including commercial purposes. You warrant that entry content is original, lawful, and not misleading and that the Promoter’s use of such content will not infringe the rights of any third parties. The Promoter has no obligation to credit you as the author of any content submitted and may otherwise do any acts or omissions which would otherwise constitute an infringement of any moral rights you may have as an author of content.

  28. Entrants consent to the Promoter providing personal data to ‘Associated organisations’ including those who have provided the prizes to the competition. The Promoter and Associated Organisations at some time may, for an indefinite period, unless otherwise advised, use the private information for promotional, marketing including but not limited to sending electronic mail.

  29. Entrants consent to the Promoter using the personal information provided in connection with this promotion for the purposes of facilitating the conduct of the promotion, awarding any prizes including to third parties involved in the promotion and any relevant authorities. In addition to any use that may be outlined in the Promoter’s Privacy Policy, the Promoter including third parties may, for an indefinite period, unless otherwise advised, use the private information for promotional, marketing, publicity, research and profiling purposes, including sending electronic messages or telephoning the entrant.

  30. The collection and disclosure of personal information provided in connection with this promotion will be handled in accordance with the Promoter's Privacy statement which adheres to the Privacy Act 1988 (cth) and Australian Privacy Principles.

  31. The Promotion and these Terms of entry will be governed by the law of the State or Territory in which the Promoter ordinarily resides. Entrants accept the non-exclusive jurisdiction of courts and tribunals of that State or Territory in connection with disputes concerning the Promotion.

  32. Facebook, Etsy, TikTok, YouTube, Instagram, Pinterest, Ebay, Gumtree, Google or Snapchat may be used to advertise or promote the Promotion. By entering the Promotion, entrants agree that the Promotion is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with Facebook, Etsy, TikTok, YouTube, Instagram, Pinterest, Ebay, Gumtree, Google or Snapchat; and to release Facebook, Etsy, TikTok, YouTube, Instagram, Pinterest, Ebay, Gumtree, Google or Snapchat from all liability in relation to this Promotion. Any questions, comments or complaints regarding the Promotion should be directed to the Promoter Facebook, Etsy, TikTok, YouTube, Instagram, Pinterest, Ebay, Gumtree, Google or Snapchat.

  33. If for any reason any aspect of this Promotion is not capable of running as planned, including by reason of computer virus, communications network failure, bugs, tampering, unauthorised intervention, fraud, technical failure or any cause beyond the control of the Promoter, the Promoter may in its sole discretion cancel, terminate, modify or suspend the Promotion and invalidate any affected entries, or suspend or modify a prize, subject to State or Territory regulation.

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1st Prize

2nd Prize

3rd Prize

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